Merkel for the Win (again)

FYI: This post is not about an Emmy win. Sorry I’m not sorry. This is the first of many posts that I hope will not only combine education over entertainment, but encourage it. So hear it goes.

Angela Merkel was reelected as the German Chancellor today! For those of you who are not aware, a chancellor is the equivalent of our president. AKA a really big deal. And Angela is now going on her third term. That’s one more than any U.S. President besides Roosevelt who reigned for an unprecedented four terms.

Angela Merkel

The election actually isn’t completely counted, it is not supposed to be final until tomorrow, but people love her so much that it is completely reasonable for the press to call this one early. They may even label her win an absolute majority — which I should note is a big deal. And this my friends is because Angie, as supporters call her, is pretty fabulous.

For those of you who don’t know, Angie is smart as hell. She has a PhD, which in and of itself is badass. But that’s not it, the title of her thesis is “The Influence of Spacial Correlation on the Reaction Rates of Bimolecular Reactions in Dense Media.” I have no clue what that means. Wikipedia tells me that this has something to do with quantum chemistry, which seems difficult. Eventually, Angie shifted her focus from chemistry to politics, and the rest, as they say, is history.

She is considered to be the de facto ruler of the European Union, which consistently rivals the United States for economic and political influence throughout the world. For this reason and many others, Angela is known as the most powerful woman in the world, and second most powerful person (second only to Barrack), according to Forbes at least. Forbes failed to rank Merkel according to her variety of pantsuits however. Thankfully, that’s what Buzzfeed is for.

Her reelection is thus globally influential. One of my many missions is to encourage the youth to gain awareness and then seek education. You can now consider yourself aware of Angela Merkel, but it’s up to you to seek further education.

Here are some resources for you:

Good luck and let me know how I can help!